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domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

Rise Against: Re-Education (Through Labor)

Rise Against es una banda de la nueva hola del punk rock proveniente de Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos, que hace tiempo viene demostrando su descontento por hechos como la guerra en Irak, abuso laboral, imperialismo norteamericano, etc.
Este sencillo, el primero de su último disco Appeal to Reason, presenta un video en su versión sin censura con un mensaje muy potente de descontento por el actuar el gobierno norteamericano en muchísimos ámbitos. Además son férreos defensores de los derechos de los animales y absolutamente contrarios a los abusos del mercado.
La letra, netamente contra el capitalista, plantea expresiones como I won't crawl on my knees for you (no me arrollidaré por ti) y We sweat all day long for you (sudamos todo el día por ti) que sugieren un cansancio y saturación de la clase obrera, la cual debería tomar acción y hacer sentir su opinión. Los datos que se intercalan entre las imagenes del video son abrumadores, datos terribles, que asustan y estremecen.

El video habla por sí solo. Disfruten.

Rise Against - Re-education (through Labor)

To the sound of a heartbeat pounding away
To the rhythm of the awful rusted machines
We toss and turn but don't sleep
Each breath we take makes us thieves
Like causes without rebels
Just talk but promise nothing else

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
The sometimes dreams just don't come true
We wait to reap what we are due

To the rhythm of a time bomb ticking away
And the blare of the sirens combing the streets
Chased down like dogs we run from
Your grasp until the sun comes up

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
The sometimes dreams just don't come true
Look now at what they've done to you

White needles buried in the red
The engine roars and then it gives
But never dies
'Cuz we don't live
We just survive
On the scraps that you throw away

I won't crawl on my knees for you
I won't believe the lies that hide the truth
I won't sweat one more drop for you
'Cuz we are the rust upon your gears
We are the insects in your ears
We crawl... all over you


Movimiento Cambia!

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